The lovely Double-L let me shoot her about a month ago for part 2 in my “Seeing Double” project. (Note: Part 2 should be published around the middle of August hopefully.) She wanted to shoot her nephews G, H, and L as a surprise for her sister. Since her sister is web savvy, and since she hasn’t received her pictures yet, we’re using initials here. No sense giving away the surprise early. ;)
After a lengthy battle with traffic, I met the team at Carbon Canyon for one of the most fun-filled afternoons I’ve had in a while. These kids were bursting with energy, enthusiasm, and curiosity. I probably spent more time playing ball or on the playground than I did shooting. Dub-L was fantastic with the kids and gave them marching orders when necessary, which wasn’t often.
Thanks to the family for letting me spend the day with them. I had a great time! Click the pics for embiggening.

One of the things I like to do when I’m shooting children is to bring a smaller camera or two that they can use. Kids love gadgets, and most of them have used a camera of some type from a very early age. Letting them play with the small camera, and occassionaly my larger camera, often gets them on my side when nothing else does. To that end, I thought I’d share a few of the pictures the kids took whilst we were running around yesterday.