Medical (Un)Professionals

Location: my studio. Subject: female portraits

As part of my ongoing 100 portraits project, my friends Laurie and Robin stopped by Friday night to pose. My regular 9-5 has been crazy stressful over the last week, so spending an evening with this delightful duo was a welcome respite.

Robin is an all-star RN, and Laurie is a physical therapist working on her doctorate. Both are intelligent, consummate professionals. As a best friend team, they’re animated and funny and have the best stories. Our session started with the wounded Robin nursing a busted knee cap, and ended up with me in a motorcycle helmet having a PVC pipe swung at my head while Laurie photographed. Yes, we had fun. :)

I got two of the best portraits so far in my project, which I’ll have to share with you later. In the meantime, enjoy these other ones from the session.

Thanks ladies!

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Of Heaven and Hell

Location: Pennsylvania. Subjects: trains, flowers, ruined town, ruined hospital, other jazz.

I made my way to Scranton, PA, this past week on a business trip. Before I continue, let me extend thanks to Mark Sarno and Bruce Burke of Sarno & Son for being great hosts, and to Jo Ann, Erika, and Emily for continuing to be lovely company.

Also before I continue, let me suggest that no one ever travel with me. I have the worst possible luck with air travel. Delayed flights, engine trouble, broken A/C, bad weather, bird strikes: they’re all fair game when you fly with me. At least I’m charming (and humble!), so if nothing else I’m decent company.

After a seemingly endless day of travel, I arrived very late to Scranton and hit the hay. I have a strong interest in places with historical value or vintage style, particularly if it’s ruined and/or abandoned. To that end, the plan for Saturday was to visit the Steamtown historical park (think lots of old trains), to find the destroyed city of Centralia, and finally, to locate an abandoned and ruined hospital supposedly in the hills near Lake Scranton.

Steamtown National Historic Park

Steamtown traces the history of railroads in America, with particular focus on their role in the development of the coal industry (of which Pennsylvania is intimately tied). In addition to historical exhibits, the park boasts a number of active trains, a live repair facility, and a working turntable. They had a number of really interesting looking old trains on the various railways in the park, but most of them were off limits unfortunately.

This locomotive was in the repair facility. Note the missing engine parts in the front; I can only imagine the size of the equipment necessary to remove that part.

Throughout the day trains come onto the turntable, spin around a few times, and either go back out to the park for rides or into the service facility. You would think that a train turning in a circle wouldn’t be that interesting, but it actually is a decent spectacle. I took high ground to get this photo and laughed at all the ground-level suckers who got covered in soot and smoke once the train started spinning.

I should note that it’s cool for about 1 minute. After that it’s just a spinning train, and so I moved on.

According to my extensive knowledge as a hobo riding the rails, I can authoritatively state that all of these knobs are for the radio.

Workers in the iconic attire of train employees everywhere.

The Town That Was: Centralia

In 1962, a coal seam underneath the town of Centralia caught fire, likely the result of a badly managed trash fire in an abandoned coal mine. To this day the coal is still burning underneath the former town, having destroyed it in the process. (Fires like this are, unfortunately, very common around the world. Some, like the Gates of Hell, are natural gas fires. One of the oldest coal fires is estimated to have been burning for 6,000 years.)

After years of living next to and above the coal fire, the citizens of Centralia were eventually bought out by the state and federal governments and moved to other areas. Once they were gone, the authorities tore the city down (although some persist in living there to this day). Visiting the site now, very little remains. There are vacant lots and overgrown streets but not much else to signify a human presence. The two most striking indicators of the catastrophe are toxic smoke rising out of the ground in various places, and a  destroyed section of route 61, which suffered major damage as a result of ground shifts from the fire.

For a relatively short, but very interesting documentary on Centralia, check out “The Town That Was.”

Walking down the old part of 61 is both comedic and sad. In the last few years it’s been turned into an active graffiti canvas. There are a number of clever and beautiful tags, as well as some very funny–and very sophomoric–illustrations. Here’s one that greets you as you head south.

Arriving at the subsidence is weird. The ground is very hot (a reminder that the fire is not far underground), and white smoke rises out of the pavement in various places. The smoke wasn’t particularly heavy on this day, although I’ve seen pictures where it’s been really thick.  The whole scene looks (and smells!) like something from a Hollywood horror set. Below are two different parts of the damage.

Here are a few of my favorite tags.

There are 3 cemeteries within the boundaries of old Centralia, all within about a quarter mile of each other. The largest of the 3 lies very near to one of the most scarred areas (off South Street). These flowers were tied to a random corner of the chain link surrounding it.

This is a shortish long-exposure overlooking the Russian Orthodox cemetery, the smallest of the three. I stood in the grass just outside of the gate and tried to capture the light trails created from lightning bugs streaking over the graves. Having never seen lightning bugs, I was transfixed not only by their simple presence, but also from the haunting impression that I was witnessing souls at play above their headstones. Having stood there for too long, I was positively devoured by evil, unknown bugs in the tall grass.

After leaving Centralia I went looking for the West Mountain Sanitarium. Unfortunately for me, I was given the wrong location. As a storm moved in and the wind built, I found myself turning down an unmarked and overgrown forest road at midnight. Noticing that there was literally an eerie white light shining from deep within the foggy and dense foliage where no one lived, I decided to try again during daylight.

Longwood Gardens

I won’t spend much time explaining Longwood Gardens, other than to say they’re massive and simply incredible. If you’re ever near Philadelphia, you owe it to yourself to visit (particularly if you’re a fan of orchids, of which they have something like 900 varieties).

Here are a few more from my time at the garden. Click to enlarge.

Nay Aug Park and the West Mountain Sanitarium

On Monday I talked Bruce into trying to find the sanitarium with me now that I had the correct location. (When going to scary, abandoned facilities in the middle of an old forest, it’s always advisable to bring a friend. That way when the zombies, ghosts, or monsters attack, you’ve now got a 50/50 chance of survival).

Whilst Bruce finished up some work I quickly ran over to Nay Aug park, ran down to the gorge and took  like 3 photos before running out. The park looked really cool, but having found my primary target (plus a train hanging out on a bridge for some reason), I drove out to pick up Bruce and head up to the hills.

The West Mountain Sanitarium was built in the early 1900s as a place to help sufferers of TB. Apparently, it was abandoned several decades ago and subsequently set on fire a couple of times by vandals. Although it’s in rough shape (and very dangerous in some places), there are parts of it still intact. Throughout various structures one can find old beds, documents, and other signs of its former purpose.

Although the tubes are rife with stories of the place being haunted, the only other life form we saw was a frog in one of the basements.

Modern visitors have left their mark on a number of the buildings.

I originally planned to tell you that this was the site of the old crematorium where they burned the bodies of those that died from the torture experiments, but that would be dishonest. So instead, I’ll tell you that this was where they simply stacked the bodies of those that died in the torture experiments.  (No, not really. I don’t know what this was.)

The roof on most of the buildings had either collapsed or was in the process of collapsing. Ever the erstwhile cautionary, I merrily tramped my way under this one.

Oh look, a scary basement. Normal person: “let’s not go in it.” Jake and Bruce: “let’s see if there’s another entrance. Hooray!”

And there was. My flashlight well dead by this point, I could barely see as I sloshed through the creepy, wet, and very dark basements.

Old accounting paperwork, fused to a desk.

There were a number of these “you’re going to die” type signs throughout the buildings, telling you to look up, down, behind you, etc. Usually they pointed towards some hazard (like a big hole in the ground, or a dangerous ceiling above you). This one didn’t seem to actually pertain to anything behind me. It probably activates only at night, when there likely would have been a guy in a mask standing there.

And…a random chair stuck in the roof. So that’s nice.

Tuesday night I had a wonderful dinner with Mark and his wonderful family. Beforehand, he drove me by Waiverly, a very historic and proud part of the area. This was one of the last photos of my trip, taken of the community center (which was built to resemble Independence Hall). Although ruins are fun, living and active history is well worth a visit too.

I’ve come to really like Pennsylvania. Having just bought a new book on hidden and hard to reach ruin sites near NYC, I think a trip back to the region in Spring is in the works. With a number of incredible targets in mind, it should make for an exciting trip.

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Peacock Sunglasses

Location: Los Angeles Arboretum. Subject: Landscapes, peacocks, orchids, insects, other stuff.

After several dumb wrong turns, I finally pulled into the parking lot of the Los Angeles Arboretum in Arcadia. Because of the dumb wrong turns, I got to the enormous grounds too late in the day to cover it all. I’ll tell you though: what I did see was really impressive. If you haven’t been to the arboretum yet, I highly recommend a trip.

Seriously orchids, what’s your deal? You don’t make any sense.

Towards the end of my trip I needed to change lenses, so I stopped outside of a building. I set my sunglasses down on a table and promptly forgot them as I moved on. As I was leaving I remembered my glasses and went back to see if they were still there. The pavilion was lousy with peacocks, and as I approached I noticed a male one on the roof. In its mouth were my glasses. I’m not suggesting the peacock flew up there with them; maybe some kid tossed them on the roof. Who knows? Even so, one of the male peacocks is probably scoring chicks right now in his awesome new aviators.

This peacock family was my last photo of the day.

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Drowning on the Mississippi

Location: St. Louis. Subject: Architecture, flowers.

I was in St. Louis on business for Savvi Formalwear, and opted to hang around a couple of extra days to shoot the city. I don’t know if it’s just because I’m from California, but the weather was miserable. It was between 90-95 degrees with humidity north of 60%; I felt like I was drowning in hot steam.

I had planned on spending considerable time walking through and shooting Forest Park, St. Louis’s larger (but less interesting) answer to New York’s central park. Alas, the weather prevented me from spending too much time walking. Cabs worked but were pricey, and if I did try to walk around the sky would inevitably open up on me and my camera. The architecture in the city is amazing, and you can tell the city has a soul, but it was not one of my better trips.

Thursday afternoon found me at the New Cathedral, which is crazy huge and about 100 years old. I didn’t really get any good pictures of the exterior, so here’s a mediocre one for you.

This sculpture was pretty neat. Various parts of it, most notably the angel’s wings as wind chimes, made sound when the wind blew.

After the cathedral, Greg, Lauren and I headed over to the arch before their flight home. My afternoon photos of the arch are fairly boring, so I decided to go back near sunset (more on that in a moment). I spent some time in Forest Park before heading back.

Although the arch is interesting from a design perspective, it’s a fairly mundane visit. In a nutshell, the arch is very tall (600+ feet) and very arch-like. Basically, you stand in one place and look up at the arch, and that’s the extent of your trip to it. It has nice green space around it, including some wooded areas, so it’s cool to hang out at if you want to relax or picnic.

You can go in a non-air conditioned elevator to the top of the non-air conditioned arch, but I opted not to.

In any event, I arrived near sunset hoping to get more interesting photos, but also to try and avoid the heat. The heat really never went away, but the photos did get better. This photo is of the old courthouse, directly across the street from the arch. Built in 1826, the courthouse is not a large structure, but it’s a neat old structure set down in the middle of much more modern infrastructure.

The first shot at the very top of this page was one of my favorite long shots of the arch. In addition to the standard pictures, I took some time to work on abstracts of the exterior skin, one of which is below. I had hoped to cross the river and do some night time long shots, but it didn’t work out.

I had arranged for a helicopter flight, and after a while walking around the arch grounds, hopped in to do some altitude photos. With both the pilot and arch on my right I missed the money shot, but still got some photos I like a lot.

Banking over the river, interior and exterior.

Afterwards I headed north along the Mississippi in search of food. The river was angry and very high, and had risen enough to cover the lower pedestrian area as well as a big portion of the elevated street. With so much water movement, this poor chap never stood a chance.

On Friday I headed back to Forest Park, starting at the art museum. This shot is of the Grand Basin, directly north of the museum. Built for the 1904 World’s Fair, the Grand Basin is large and impressive, but sort of boring. The highlight of my trip around it was watching a family on two pedal boats delicately trying to transfer passengers. I had my long lens on in case someone took a spill, but they were more nimble than expected.

Here’s a shot from a spot on the water, shooting towards the art museum. The museum was nice, but compared to offerings in other large cities it was fairly small. A real plus for it is that it’s free, making it very accessible to groups that might not otherwise go.

The Apotheosis of St. Louis himself, riding triumphantly into battle against the Nazis at Waterloo…or something.

After the museum I cabbed to the Jewel Box, which turned out to be quite pretty. I spent my time walking the grounds taking in the beautiful ponds until it started raining. I headed up to the building to go inside and do indoor photos until it stopped raining, only to discover that I visited it on the one random Friday afternoon when it was closed for a private party. Hooray.

After a long, wet walk to a golf course, I cabbed it back to the hotel, grabbed my stuff, and headed to the airport much earlier than originally planned. With the early arrival and a very delayed plane, I spent far too long in the St. Louis airport (which, interestingly enough, has rocking chairs in the gate areas!). At least I got to fly home first class, so that was nice.

The ponds around the Jewel Box were full of frogs. I desperately tried to get a photo of one on a lillypad or directly under a flower, but they were too smart for me. Just look at this guy’s smug expression. Jerk.

I shot rain drops for a little while, but packed it up before too long.

I’m off to to Scranton and Philadelphia in two weeks, with–hopefully–a stop in the ruined city of Centralia, home to a 50-year-old mine fire still burning beneath the town to this day. Hopefully that will be a more productive trip.

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Playing with Trains

Location: Desert east of San Diego. Subject: abandoned train.

I decided to head to a secret spot east of San Diego after some research indicated that two of my high priorities might be in the same place: Indian petroglyphs and abandoned trains. I wandered the desert for hours on foot and couldn’t come up with any petroglyphs in the target area (the second time this has happened in the same general vicinity), but did get to spend some time with an abandoned train. Well, the area may have been off limits, so these may or may not actually be photos from a friend who may or may not exist.

Oh, and just a weird aside: I had the most unbelievable coincidence happen on this trip. Fun fact about me: while driving I often memorize license plates and recite them backwards without looking as a memory exercise. I know…. Anyways, about half way to my destination I got cut off by a small sedan loaded to the hilt with passengers as it veered towards the car pool lane. I took note of the plate and played my mental game before losing sight of it. On the way back, more than a day later, about half way back home the same car cut me off getting back into the car pool lane. The license plate was familiar, plus the packed car, coloring, and rear-view shade confirmed it was the same. The odds of that happening must be astronomical.

I was already nervous about going inside the train, and the green glow didn’t help. It looked like something from one of Cameron’s “Alien” films.

As often happens, the vignette is the result of shooting at 10mm with my graduated ND filter on.

My view as I set off back for camp.

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Random Jazz: OC Edition I

Location: Carbon Canyon, Dana Point. Subject: Landscapes, sky, flowers and animals.

Just some recent, random photos from time spent ’round the OC with Belle and Beau.

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Studio Chaos I & II

Location: My studio. Subject: Female portraits.

Over the weekend I was fortunate enough to have a variety of people over, and even more fortunate enough that a few of them let me abuse them in my extra room turned studio. First up were my cousin Laurie and sister  Jennifer, who were over for a little party for Laurie’s birthday. On Saturday night, after enjoying a live music cruise with Section 8 in Dana Point, Jennifer and Brittany were my excellent models.

All of the photos were lit  by my new Alien Bees ABR800 ring flash (modified with a 56″ moon unit), with occasional fill light from a 30″ soft box on the other side or on the background.

My cousin Laurie.

Jennifer: sister, airplane.

I have some mannequins over at my place for a shoot I’m doing for my day job. I have a number of great photos of Jen and Laurie clowning around with them. Here, the mannequin tells Laurie a knee-slapper.

Probably my favorite photo of Brittany. The best photos, in my opinion, are when people are at their most candid.

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Section 8 at House of Blues

Location: House of Blues Anaheim. Subject: Section 8 band

I’m not sure how I forgot to put these up, but I got the chance to do some back stage and on stage work for my cousin’s band (Section 8 ) at the House of Blues back in February. The energy of being on stage was just awesome.

As it turns out, the timing for this post is pretty good. Section 8 is playing their second show on one of the Dana Point Wharf music cruises this Saturday. Myself and like a million other people will be onboard having a good time. You should come out too! Details and tickets are here.

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Making Appleade -or- How I Ruined New York City

Location: New York City. Subject: architecture, cars, street photography, people.

Landing in New York City recently, I had high hopes for my photography. As one of the most dynamic cities in the world with incredible architecture and people, I smugly thought to myself, how hard can it be? As Moltke the Elder once said, “no plan survives first contact with the enemy.” And boy, was New York my enemy.

Mind you, New York didn’t try to kill me or anything. Rather, it was one of the best trips of my life. It’s just that the city is so overwhelming. It’s tall (try catching a sunset), busy, loud, and just plain awesome. As probably the most photographed city in history, how could I possibly do anything to set myself apart?

I spent 5 days walking around pointing my camera at stuff only to realize that my photo was lackluster, or that someone famous had shot it better. I kept trying to photograph all the skyscrapers, but everything looked so…normal…when caught by my lens. Oh look, Jake took another photo of a tall building.

And so, in the end, I’m admitting defeat. New York beat me. I don’t think my photos are bad, but where I imagined leaving as the conquering hero–having slain the beast with my mad skillz–I instead left humbled and determined.  I may not have made appleade when given the Big Apple, but I’ll be back.

(Note: there are lots of big photos in this post, so you’ll need to give it a minute to load everything.)

Cabs are everywhere in the city, so I took some time trying to get panning shots of them zooming around. I spent a few minutes teaching my friend Aislinn how to do this; as you can see from this photo she took, she picked it up pretty quickly.

As we ventured out into more colorful parts of the city, graffiti and wall art became more common. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been fascinated by the anonymous artists who design cool stuff like this and then paper it up on random walls and overpasses. I found this intrepid explorer near Greenwich Village.

Flying child, Central Park.

Besides the obvious irony of the homeless person in front of the bank, I like this photo for a different reason. Despite living out of a number of bags, this woman took the time to put on eye makeup and paint her nails. Even the homeless aren’t without their small vanities.

As with most tourist areas in the world, Central Park was surrounded by vendors selling miscellaneous junk. In the middle of all this noise I randomly came across a vendor selling figurines made from dried grass. I bought a butterfly that I liked and then promptly crushed it on accident.

In the middle of MOMA, I happened to look up while going down an escalator. I think I rode the up and down escalators three more times trying to get this shot.

Standing in the middle of the street, somewhere near Times Square.

This little girl would run across this bridge to a nearby open area and then spin around rapidly while doing an imaginary dance. She’d fall over, run across the bridge to hug her mom and get a spoonful of pudding, and then do it all over again. Shot in the sculpture garden at MOMA.

Indulgences, St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

MSG, f/7 @ 10s, ISO 100

Another example of incredible urban art found on a random wall. Green Point, I think.

The Apple store near Central Park. The exterior is awesome looking. The interior looks like an Ikea showroom and is boooooooring.

Hipsters and their trademark single-speed bikes are everywhere in the city. I think if I were 8 I’d be impressed by the front tire, but I’m not, so I’m not. ;)

One of the few skyscraper photos that I’m actually happy with. Does this building look familiar to anyone?

Window display.

The Planetarium at night.

The Creation of Adam

Grand Central ghosts

$10 to the first person to tell me what this is (AJ and Ania excluded).

I have no idea….

Times Square midnight proposal.

Fellow patron, Ukranian diner. (Props to Ania.)

After flirting with the front desk clerk for a little while, she upgraded me on the second night to a top floor room looking out towards Jersey and the river. After a long day on the town, I was lucky enough to return to the room just as the moon turned bright red and set over the horizon.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my travels, it’s to interact as genuinely and frequently as you can with the people who really make cities spin. Tip your waiter a little extra, shake hands with doormen, and offer a smile whenever you can. The reward is often rare moments like these.

(The first image in this post is shot in the same direction, but near sunset a few hours earlier.)

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Back in Time

Location: Katie Wheeler Library. Subject: Engagement photos.

Saturday gave me the opportunity to shoot Diane and JP at the Katie Wheeler Library in Irvine. Formerly part of the huge Irvine family ranch, the grounds contain historic buildings from the Orange County of yesteryear. The library itself is a modern copy of the old Irvine family house, but has been so faithfully recreated that it fits right in with its authentically vintage neighbors.

Which brings me back to my subjects. Diane and JP wanted their engagement photos to have a vintage feel to them, and this site ended up being perfect for that (thanks Becky and Melissa for the suggestion). After running around the property (we were a little short on time before closing), we drove to another site and did some family pictures with their adorable daughter Evie.

To help with the vintage feel, most of the photos have been desaturated a bit. Saturated or desaturated, I hope you’ll agree that this is a great looking family.

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