Playing with Trains: Ow, My Eyes Edition

At the office:

Co-worker: There’s a train expo at the Anaheim Convention Center this weekend. You should go take pictures.

Me: Isn’t that for babies and Jay [our co-worker, whom I’ve apparently called a baby]?

Co-worker: The ad says that there will be trains of all sizes, so who knows? Maybe you can find something neat to photograph.

Me: Meh. We’ll see. I think there’s a Golden Girls marathon on or something.

At the miniature train expo:

Me: OH. EM. GEE. This is awesome! I’m glad [co-worker] told me about this.

Me, later: I should probably devote my whole life to model trains now and also give model train salesmen all of my money and also become a train conductor.

So yeah, I went to the model train expo. It was really something to see. I took loads of pictures, but to save you from boredom I’ve only shared a small number below. Next time it’s in town, I order you to visit the show. Yes, all of you.

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Mini Helicopter

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Amusement Park Ride

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Light House

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Truck with dog in bed

Click to embiggen:

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Dinosaur bones Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Dog with ducklings Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo- Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Town Scene

This next set was incredible. The storm cloud at the top of the shot would make thunder sounds and light up with blue “lightning,” and then a working tornado would come down and roll through town.

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Working Tornado

My obligatory self-portrait.

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Bumper Cars Self-Portrait

This is an actual, working ski lift. The people were probably about 1/2″ in height.

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Working Ski Lift

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Disneyland Monorail by Schuco

Click to enlarge:

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Town Scene with Billboard Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Horses with Large Hay Rolls Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Cow Loading Ramp Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Boats and Fishermen

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Seal and Boat

This particular layout was pretty amazing, with tons of small details hidden everywhere. The church had a wedding and a funeral taking place; you can just make out the horse-drawn hearse behind the church. Note the wedding photographer’s working camera flash.
Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Wedding Photographer with Working Flash

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Long Shot of Layout

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Dog Digging in Trash

This little eagle is about half the size of a grain of rice. I took dozens of photos trying to get it in focus, but just quite couldn’t get it.
Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Miniature Eagle in Tree

Here’s a longer shot of the eagle overlooking a passing train.

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Miniature Eagle in Tree Next to Train

For scale, here’s a shot of the eagle next to my brother. These trains and sets were tiiiiiiiiiiny!
Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Scale Shot of Person Next to Mini Eagle

And to close, my favorite shot. I’m not so sure about the wisdom of putting a train so close to a downtown area and soccer field, but I guess if a few crushed soccer balls is the price you pay for aesthetics, so be it.

Thanks for um…chugging on by…or something, I guess.

Anaheim Convention Center Model Train Expo-Shot of Town with Coca-Cola Building

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