Random Jazz: Yule Dogs, Imaginary Fish and Other Stuff

Location: All over. Subject: People, dogs, children, sunsets, other stuff

Despite being insanely busy at my regular job in recent weeks, I’ve somehow also managed to do a ton of photographic work. It’ll still be a few more weeks until I can get back to personal projects, but what I have been doing has been a lot of fun.

For example, the photo at the top of my post is from a Christmas card shoot I did for my cousin Dan and his lovely wife Kim. Also featured are the 150-pound Duke and the 80-pound Kikki.

The adorable little pixie below is Rachel, whom I photographed with her mom and aunt over the course of breakfast and a trip to the park. This first photo I call “Mr. Photographer, please keep your hands off my grapes.”

And to round out the post, here are some other photos from recent adventures. Also, thanks to the delightful Stephanie for letting me steal her soul for my project.

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