Double the Fun

Location: Hart Park and Carbon Canyon. Subject: baby, teen, and family photography.

This is a double post for two shoots I recently did. The first is little Emma (who just turned 1) and her mom Paula. The second is the Rivera family and their little man Noah (who’s going on 6 months).

Now that I’ve shot a few 1-year-olds, it’s become apparent to me that the brain really starts moving around then. I chased Emma around for almost 2 hours and she smiled for me maybe 6 times. The rest of the time she was exploring, but you could tell that it was more than exploring. She was making connections between things. It was really cool to see. She didn’t have time for the camera guy; she was figuring out how gravity got the fruit from the trees overhead so that she could put them in her mouth when her mom wasn’t looking.

Enjoy, si’l vous plait.

Notice that she had no trouble smiling for mom, though. ;)

Emma loved her sunglasses; it was so much fun to watch her scrunch up her nose and lips to try and keep them on her face, even when we intentionally put them on her upside down. I have a shot of her in my aviators as well, which is just fantastic.

I’ve known mom Heather for about a decade, and dad Ray for about half of that. Both are great people, and they recently rounded out their family with their handsome little Noah, who complements their lovely daughter Bella. Bella’s friend and honorary sister–Alex–joined us for our fun day on the lake.

I *love* this next photo. It’s about as classic a family portrait as you can get: dad messing around with his son, mom’s bemused expression, and the older daughter trying to ignore the chaos around her.

On the left: flowers from the bird/butterfuly park; on the right: two great kids.

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