Random Jazz: 12/29/09

Location: Orange, CA, Mission San Juan Capistrano, my studio. Subject: family and children photography, architecture, female portraits.

Another post with random photos for you. The first set comes from my good friend Declan (“Danger”) and his mom/dad Becky and Trevor (who in my head I just accidentally called “Decky, Beclan and Trevor”). They’re now expecting child numero dos, which is what the “+1″ is all about. The last photo is my favorite; while we were shooting someone started up a power tool; apparently, it concerned him greatly. :)

The second set is from a short trip I took to Mission San Juan Capistrano. I wish that a) there had been fewer people, and b) that it wasn’t so overcast, as this made for flat lighting that wasn’t too interesting. I’ll need to go back on a brighter day.

Finally, we have some studio-esque poses of my long-time friend Kristin Schult. She’s on her way to being a superstar Christian speaker, so we took some shots that hopefully will end up on her upcoming website. I think the photos look quite lovely, don’t you? (Ignoring me in the last photo, of course.) These were shot with a fairly simple setup: 2 Canon 580EX II speedlights in Apollo softboxes to the front of her, and a naked 430EX speedlight in the back against some black seemless paper for a little rim lighting.

Click the pics for low-calorie bigger versions.

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