Danger Strikes Again

Location: Hart Park. Subject: child Halloween photos.

I had a makeup session with Danger Gill this past weekend, with the plan being to get some photos of him in his Clark Kent/Superman costume. I love taking pictures of him, but at 17 months it can be like walking a cat in a bathtub (yes, I know that makes no sense). So while I didn’t get a lot of gems, I hope you like the ones I did get. Please to click to biggify.

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2 Responses to Danger Strikes Again

  1. Becky October 27, 2009 at 11:20 pm #

    Gosh I love that kid. I love love love love love him!!

  2. Jennifer December 1, 2009 at 11:56 pm #

    I seriously want to just squeeze him! I think they should have more cute children now.

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