Sundaaaaay … Strobey Sunday

Here’s an explanation of the title, for the unhip amongst you. ;)

I spent today playing around with different strobe setups and bossing around the lovely Clara as part of an amazing workshop put on by the very talented Ben Chen. We started off with various speedlites and softboxes indoors before moving outdoors with larger Alien Bees and Quantum lights at sunset. I’ll admit that I definitely need more practice with strobes, so this was a great opportunity to learn from one of the best photographers in our area.

By the way: don’t let Ben’s website fool you. His pictures are much, much better than what his simple website would seem to indicate. We got to see them in projector size, high quality color and I was blown away.

In any event, here are some samples from the day.

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2 Responses to Sundaaaaay … Strobey Sunday

  1. Sonja August 17, 2009 at 9:51 am #

    Wow! These are really good.

  2. Martha August 17, 2009 at 9:21 pm #

    those ones of the sunset are so cool they look like the background must be gorgeous

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