Danger’s Crew at CC

Danger Gill turned a year old about a month ago, so he and his crew met me at Carbon Canyon to recreate some photos we had done there when Becky was still pregnant. We didn’t recreate many, but a lot of the other shots turned out great. I love this family, and the chance to be there as they grow is one I cherish.

Without further ado, here’s a sampling of what we took. For those of you reading this at 22:00 Sunday, I’ll add more a little later.

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This is one I like to call “Who’s this lady think she is, trying to get my Cheerios?!?”


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3 Responses to Danger’s Crew at CC

  1. Sonja June 14, 2009 at 10:02 pm #


  2. Melissa June 15, 2009 at 1:25 am #

    Could that kid BE any more adorable? I don’t think so.

    Carbon Canyon is totally one of my new favorite places. I recently went there for the very first time and now I’m wondering what took me so long!

  3. Heather June 19, 2009 at 6:36 pm #

    Great job Jake…….the one by the lake at sunset is so beautiful! He has seriously got to be one of the cutest kids ever!!!

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