Getting There…Slowly

I’ve been experimenting lately with glow chemicals. And by experimenting, I mean acting like a little boy and cutting the tops off of glow sticks and pouring the jazz all over every thing to see what it does.

Still unable to get out and wrestle bears because of my shoulder, I opted for the next best thing: try and position some flowers in water and suspend droplets of glow stick juice inside. So, with emergency syringe in hand, I slowly…and carefully…moved…the syringe…into position…and then proceeded to squirt glow juice everywhere. Which is why my flowers are a mess. The stuff is pretty sticky, which means I should be able to refine my process to get this right eventually. My aim isn’t very good yet, but it’ll come.

Here are some samples from my mess “shoot.” Click to biggefy.

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One Response to Getting There…Slowly

  1. Nate Reinig May 9, 2009 at 11:32 am #

    When I saw these on f.b. I was wondering why it was that they seemed to grainy. I suspected water but wasn’t sure about the submersion. I would suggest buying wire – not chicken wire but close to it – and glueing the flowers to the wire making it possible for you to pose them with out getting all the distortion…. unless of of course that’s what you are trying to do. I give it 2 stars on the hundred star scale.

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