Surgery, She Wrote

I met with my soon-to-be surgeon today to talk about the shoulder I injured almost a year ago in a high speed mountain bike fall. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s in worse shape than we thought previously, with 2 tears in the shoulder and possibly 1 in the rotator cuff, plus a large pool of fluid.

What does this mean? 4-plus weeks in a shoulder immobilizer, and 4 months total of recovery. No diving, teaching, or sports for me. :(

It also probably means that I’m going to be a one-handed photographer for a short while. That should be interesting. So: if you want to get in front of my lens, now’s the time to do it!

Having been through some complicated and messy surgeries before, the actual surgery doesn’t worry me. I’m pretty bummed about missing out on life for a few months though.

I’ll drop more info as the date gets closer.

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