Jake Reinig

Hi there-

It's been a long while since I last posted, and a lot has happened since then. I got married and divorced. I got a dog. I became a volunteer scuba diver for the Aquarium of the Pacific. I started exploring underwater caves. I learned to bowl. I founded a secret society. I caught Covid (not fun) and bought an e-bike (fun!). I spent some time training to become a combat photographer, plus a bunch of other stuff that's less explody.

I'm a little more dusted up since last time we met, but am hopefully the same charming, rakish dork you've come to know and love.

I'm currently retooling the site and hope to relaunch it soon. I'm still doing a fair amount of photo taking and adventurin', and hope to be able to share it with you again in the near future. I do occasionally post on Instagram, so feel free to say hello over there for now.

Thanks for stopping by.
